Say Hiiii ...


" Bosan itu ...... PILIHAN "

Little Hi... Little Ho..

Hi again everyone. Sebagai yang punya blog, gue mau ngenalin diri nih.

Nama gue Marie Patricia. Mau panggil Marie (dalam aksen perancis yang jadinya ''mari'' ) atau Mery juga boleh. Hahaha.

Gue masih jadi seorang pelajar. Gue sekarang sekolah di SMAN 14 Jakarta (sekolah yang direkomendasiin satu keluarga gue). Entah kenapa saat gue yang mau masuk SMA, mereka malah yang sibuk nyariin sekolah buat gue dan rekomen pertama yang keluar adalah SMAN 14. Setelah dibicarain sama keluarga gue, ternyata dulu sepupu-sepupu gue pengen masuk situ tapi gak jadi karena mereka lebih milih ke Algon. Ok lah gapapa, bagus juga dipilihin ke SMAN 14. Haha kalo liat gue sekarang di sekolah itu, yaaa gak buruk lah. Hahahahaha karna sekarang gue udah aktif di bidang kerohanian dan gue juga memegang jabatan disitu (ups.. bukan maksud sombong) hihihihi..

Talk about me again. Menurut buku "Personality Plus" karya Florence L. gue adalah seorang sanguinis-populer. Ciri-ciri orang yang punya sifat sanguinis-populer adalah selalu ceria, penuh semangat, suka berteman, dan hal-hal positif yang inspiratif semua. Well, gue yakin semua orang gak selalu saklek sama satu kepribadian. Karna faktanya, gak semua sifat sanguinis-populer itu gue punya dan untuk segala hal yang berbau inspirasi, gue bahkan selalu butuh orang yang menginspirasi gue dan men-cheer up gue. Gue malah berpikir gue punya beberapa kepribadian dalam diri gue (kepribadian sifat yaa bukan yang kayak difilm-film yang horor itu). Ya contohnya aja saat gue dirumah, sifat gue sering beda-beda. Waktu dikamar gue bisa menjadi orang yang sangat melankolis atau jadi drama queen. Waktu lagi ngumpul bareng keluarga, gue bisa jadi orang yang sangat 'girang'. Hahahahaaa.. That's me, gak bisa ketebak.

Kamis, 29 April 2010


Oh, yeah

I wait on you forever

Any day, hand and foot

Your world is my world, yeah

Ain't no way you ever gon'

Get any less then you should

'Cause babyYou smile, I smile, oh

'Cause whenever

You smile, I smile

Hey hey hey

Your lips, my biggest weakness

Shouldn't have let you know

I'm always gonna do what they say

If you need me,

I'll come running from a thousand miles away

When you smile, I smile

Woah oh oh oh

You smile, I smile, hey

Baby take my open heart

And all it offers

'Cause this is as unconditional

As it'll ever get

You ain't seen nothin yet

I won't ever hesitate to give you more

'Cause baby

You smile, I smile

Woah oh oh oh

You smile, I smile

Hey hey hey

You smile, I smileI smile, I smile, I smile

You smile, I smile

Make me smile baby

Baby you won't ever want for nothing

You are my answer and my means now

With you there's no in between

I'm all in

'Cause my cards are on the table

And I'm willing and I'm able

But I fold to your wish

'Cause it's my command

Hey hey heyYou smile, I smile

Woah oh oh oh

You smile, I smile

Hey hey hey

You smile, I smileI smile, I smile, I smile

You smile, I smile

You smile, I smile

You smile, I smile

Kamis, 15 April 2010

Over The Rainbow

Somewhere over the rainbow
Way up high
There's a land that I've heard of once in a lullaby
Somewhere over the rainbow
Skies are blue
And the dreams that you dare to dream really do come true
Someday I'll wish upon a star
And wake up where the clouds are far behind me
Where troubles melt like lemon drops
Away above the chimney tops
That's where you'll find me
Somewhere over the rainbow
Bluebirds fly
Birds fly over the rainbow
Why then oh why can't I?
Someday I'll wish upon a star
And wake up where the clouds are far behind me
Where troubles melt like lemon drops
Away above the chimney tops
That's where you'll find me
Somewhere over the rainbow
Bluebirds flyBirds fly over the rainbow
Why then oh why can't I?
Why then oh why can't I?
Why then oh why can't I?
If happy little bluebirds fly beyond the rainbow
Why oh why can't I?

My Valentine

If there were no words
No way to speak
I would still hear you
If there were no tears
No way to feel inside
I'd still feel for you
And even if the sun refused to shine
Even if romance ran out of rhyme
You would still have my heart until the end of time
You're all I need, my love, my Valentine
All of my life
I have been waiting for
All you give to me
You've opened my eyes
And showed me how to love unselfishly
I've dreamed of this a thousand times before
But in my dreams I couldn't love you more
I will give you my heart
Until the end of time
You're all I need, My Love, My Valentine
And even if the sun refused to shine
Even if romance ran out of rhyme
You would still have my heart until the end of time
You're all I need, My Love,My Valentine




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